

Regina has been our home for 9 years now. We have such sweet memories of this place. But today I am not going to tell you about Regina. Instead I would talk about this gorgeous cozy little park called Wascana which is situated right at the heart of Regina. She encompasses and nourishes many life forms here and is an integral part of our day to day lives. With the changing season Her beauty also changes. A myriad of birds like pelicans, double-crested cormorants and many more flock her waterpark. She will always rejuvenate you. You can hike in Her trails, go for a leisurely stroll in Her park, canoe or kayak to your heart's content in Her waterbodies. Through my collection I wanted to celebrate Her beauty, Her many life forms, Her marshes, Her foliages, Her bounty. 


A Place to Return


Streets of Regina